The Real Collusion

By Roger Stone

A once top-secret intelligence memo recently declassified by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) and reviewed by Circa shows roughly ten pages listing hundreds of violations by the FBI of their privacy-protecting minimization rules while James Comey was director.  The FISA report was in direct contradiction to Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee.

During a round of questions about securing and defending the privacy of American citizens, Comey stated under oath that his agency used collected surveillance data from Americans without a warrant.  Director Comey then continued that this use of data was to be only when it was “lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.”  In order to further cement the appearance of his agency’s commitment to uphold citizen’s privacy, Comey added, “Nobody gets to see FISA information of any kind unless they’ve had the appropriate training and have the appropriate oversight.”

This FISA report shows clearly that James Comey was lying during his testimony and that he should be criminally charged.

Among the violations declassified in the FISA report are examples of the FBI sharing data illegally with third parties, including a ‘private entity’ with no legal right to access the information.  Comey’s FBI also gathered protected attorney client communications that had been intercepted without using the oversight procedures he claimed were of the highest importance.

The spying, done illegally on Trump and thousands of other Americans was not only a gross abuse of power unmatched in recent memory, but a serious assault on the 4th Amendment which guarantees the rights of all Americans against unlawful search and seizure.

The American Civil Liberties Union said that newly disclosed violations are some of the most serious to ever be documented.   To give a brief rundown of these violations we need look no further than rank and file members of the intelligence community.  Here is what they told FOX NEWS.

1) Surveillance targeting the Trump team during the Obama administration began long ago, even before the president had become the GOP nominee in July.

2) The spying on the Trump team had nothing to do with the collection of foreign intelligence or an investigation into Russia election interference.

3) The spying was done purely “for political purposes” that “have nothing to do with national security and everything to do with hurting and embarrassing Trump and his team.”

4) The person who did the unmasking was someone “very well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world, and is not in the FBI.”

5) Congressional investigators know the name of at least one person who was unmasking names.

6)  The initial surveillance on the Trump team led to “a number of names” being unmasked.

For an American citizen to be “unmasked” in an intelligence report is extremely rare.  Usually the person is a suspect in a crime, is in danger or whose name has to be revealed to explain the context of a report.  The members of Trump’s transition team who were unmasked, were not linked with any intelligence about Russia, were not in danger or suspects of a crime.

After nearly one year of constant accusations and investigations that are costing the taxpayers millions of dollars, there is nothing to support a Trump/ Russia collusion.  The real collusion is the one that has been nearly buried under the weight of the 24-hour reporting of fake news by America’s mainstream media.  The collusion is between Obama, his administration, James Comey, British Intelligence, the NSA and the FBI for the purpose of spying on Trump and his transition team for political gain.

The FISA report disclosed massive data gathering of Americans using Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Act.  Section 702 allows the FBI access (without a warrant) of U.S. citizen’s communications with ‘foreign targets’ that have been collected by the NSA.  Without proper justification for using the 702 law, the FBI cannot conduct surveillance or collect data on Americans.  Section 702 is up for renewal this year.  All of these safeguards were ignored by Comey’s FBI.

Amy Jeffress, the former top security adviser to former Attorney General Eric Holder was appointed by FISA in 2015 to give an independent review of the FBI’s record of compliance.  Jeffress came to the conclusion that FBI searches of NSA data extended far beyond national security issues.

In other revelations Accuracy In Media reported that a source for The British Guardian now admitted that British spy agency GCHQ had been digitally wiretapping Trump associates as far back as 2015.

With the approval of then CIA Director John Brennan, computerized espionage was used against Trump and people he worked with for political purposes.   A total of six U.S. intelligence agencies were involved in the formation of a task force to investigate the Trump associates during the campaign.  The task force was made up of CIA, NSA, FBI, Justice Department’s National Security Division, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Unit.  CIA boss Brennan initiated this illegal domestic operation against the Trump campaign.

The Russian collusion charge was just a smoke screen to hide a deeper, darker action; to break Trump’s back and bring victory to the Witch of Washington, Hillary Clinton.

Judicial Watch announced that it had failed in its efforts to get information about why White House adviser Susan Rice ordered the “unmasking” of Trump campaign officials in classified reports.

The House Intelligence Committee issued subpoenas to determine if the unmasking was politically motivated.  One step ahead, the National Security Council had sent all those records to Obama’s presidential library, where they can’t be released for five years.  Those records contained evidence of intelligence abuses and cover ups by Rice, Brennan, former Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Power and others in the Obama White House.

There have been comparisons made of Trump and Watergate but when one considers that Nixon’s presidency started to unravel by the discovery of the bugging of his political rivals, we can see that Obama went far beyond a simple phone tapping.

The silver tongued Obama deliberately exploited our domestic and foreign intelligence gathering agencies to spy on his political opponents.  He did this on a massive scale.  Obama was to have paved the way for a democratic win in 2016.

Yet it wasn’t just about Trump.  In an analysis published by Tablet magazine, Lee Smith wrote  “At some point, the (Obama) administration weaponized the NSA’s legitimate monitoring of communications of foreign officials to stay one step ahead of domestic political opponents,” says a pro-Israel political operative who was deeply involved in the day-to-day fight over the Iran Deal.  “The NSA’s collections of foreigners became a means of gathering real-time intelligence on Americans engaged in perfectly legitimate political activism — activism, due to the nature of the issue, that naturally involved conversations with foreigners..”  Trump wasn’t the first target.

The Obama spying scandal includes the Iran deal.  In December 2015, the Wall Street Journal revealed that the Obama administration used the NSA to cast a wide net of surveillance around Israeli officials and diplomats, as well as American lawmakers who were friendly towards Israel as well as Jewish-American groups.

According to an investigative piece by National Review,the administration’s targeting of journalists, including (a) attorney general Eric Holder’s approval of the seizure of personal and business phone records of Associated Press reporters en masse (i.e., not a particularized search targeting a specific journalist suspected of wrongdoing); and (b) Holder’s approval of a warrant targeting the e-mails of Fox News reporter James Rosen in a leak investigation — based on an application in which the government represented to a federal court that the journalist could be guilty of a felony violation of the Espionage Act in connection with a leak of classified information (in addition to purportedly being a “flight risk”).” More from the National Review article…

 “The CIA’s accessing of Senate Intelligence Committee computers and staff e-mails — which CIA director John Brennan initially denied, then apologized for after it was confirmed by an inspector-general report. The investigation of Trump associate Carter Page, including a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant based on the claim that Page was a Russian agent, which would have authorized monitoring of Page’s communications — including any with Trump, then the Republican nominee for president. The criminal leaking to the media of former Trump national-security adviser Michael Flynn’s communications with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. The “unmasking” of identities of Americans (connected to Trump) at the behest of Obama national-security adviser Susan Rice, a White House staffer and Obama confidant. The promulgation in the last days of Obama’s presidency of new rules enabling the spreading of raw intelligence, including “unmasked” American identities, across the 17-agency U.S. “intelligence community” — which significantly increased the likelihood of leaks. At the same time, according to former Obama Defense Department official Evelyn Farkas, current and former Obama officials were encouraging the transmission of information regarding Trump and his associates to Capitol Hill, further magnifying the potential for leaking.”

What we have is the collusion of an outgoing president with various intelligence agencies and their directors to spy not only on thousands of Americans illegally, but to spy on the Trump campaign, leak information, create a false narrative, and hopefully destroy Mr. Trump’s campaign.  Who needs the Russians to thwart our democracy?  We had Obama!

The conspirators need to be formerly charged with crimes of treason.  Obama, Brennan, Comey, Rice, and a host of others need to be publicly denounced, indicted, made to testify before a new and real congressional investigation and exposed for the criminals they are.

The FISA report is just the tip of the iceberg.  Let’s not forget to indict Loretta Lynch, Huma Abedin, John Podesta…the list is so long.


from Roger Stone – Stone Cold Truth

from Roger Stone

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